Research Assistant & Contributing Writer

Reina is a writer and researcher with a focus on gender, social justice, and contemporary India. Reina is a weekly columnist for Feministing and her work on sex, consent, and social movements has appeared at TimeBitch, and The Washington Post. 

Reina received her BA in comparative literature and gender studies from Harvard, where she wrote a thesis on lesbianism in contemporary Bollywood. She continued working on this topic as a Fulbright Research Fellow at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, where she is currently pursuing a Master’s in Indian cinema, theater, and art history. Her work search history includes everything from international trade regulations to the g spot, and she wouldn’t have it any other way.

Why I love working for Hippo: The variety! The research topics are so diverse, I’m always learning something new. I’ve found myself becoming a miniature expert on everything from trade in Southeast Asia to Attachment Parenting. This makes me unbearable at parties since I always have a new tidbit of info to share.

My favorite academic work: Recasting Women: Essays in Colonial History. A classic collection of postcolonial feminist scholarship.

In another life, I’d be a: Oh, a Broadway actress, dahling.

Aside from the mighty hippo, my favorite animal is the: Coy cat. Clever and knows how to keep her secrets, unlike me (I am clever and could not keep a secret to save my life).