Scars and the Stories of Our Lives Michele Battle-Fisher Medicine, Science & Medicine As a human, I am protected from evaporating by my integumentary system better known as skin. My body is kept intact by skin, the largest and fastest healing organ. We wash it, peel it, augment it, suture it...
How Malleable is an “Ethic”? A Dose of Systems Thinking Reality Michele Battle-Fisher Philosophy, Science & Medicine Before I begin, what do I mean by “ethic”? Ethics are, in the end, a study of moral justification of our actions (or inaction). Most simply put, ethics are a set of moral judgments that can influence and...
Transhumanism: Tech, Entropy, and Fighting for a Future Michele Battle-Fisher Science & Medicine, Society & Culture The world is run by systems that overlap conflict and adapt to social needs over time. In dealing with the uncertainty and risk of the human condition, people seek to “control” that uncertainty (though...
What Scientific Gobbledygook! Systems, Uncertainty and “Known Unknowns” Michele Battle-Fisher Science & Medicine, Society & Culture This is the inaugural article for my new open-science journal venture, Orgcomplexity. It was published as "Uncertainty, health and the teetering social contract." I am excited to be the Founding editor....
Health Policy Should Have a Bromance With the Lessons of Pi Calculus Michele Battle-Fisher Politics & Economics, Science & Medicine Humor me for a moment. There is a pi (π) that some may be less aware of - the theoretical formalism of pi calculus in process algebra. Thank Robin Milner, a part of the brain trust with Joachim Parrow, David...
Health Policy as a Bidders’ War Michele Battle-Fisher Medicine, Politics & Economics The health care delivery system has many stakeholders, with many screaming for attention bringing into question the accuracy of the “wisdom of the crowd” (see Lee et al. 2011). What was interesting about...
Blooming History, Private Lives, and Dissent in the Public Sphere Michele Battle-Fisher Politics & Economics The public sphere, where we “feel the Bern” or “make America great again,” is born of the private of its citizens.