From Lochner to New Federalism: Where Does Modern American Authority Lie? Cameron Espinoza Government, Politics, Politics & Economics Summary: With New Federalism and the neoliberal ethos of reduced government, states will become increasingly distinct and autonomous. Donald Trump may have promised to “make America great again,” however,...
Trumping the Executive Branch: A Brief History of Presidential Overreach and the Failure of Checks and Balances Cameron Espinoza Government, History, Politics & Economics Summary: Although serious scrutiny of President Trump’s actions is warranted, we must not overly individualize them. Many U.S. Presidents have engaged in similarly dubious and reprehensible acts, made...
Help Me Understand! Dr. J Ann Tickner on Gender in International Relations Dr. J Ann Tickner and Cameron Espinoza Education, Gender Studies, Society & Culture Dr. J Ann Tickner, Professor Emerita of International Relations at the University of Southern California and Distinguished Scholar in Residence at American University spoke with HippoReads on her motivations behind studying Feminism in IR, discusses the field of Feminism in IR and its importance, and summarizes the field’s achievements and challenges today.