How Climate Change Is Altering American Coastlines Kevin Gardner Science & Medicine America's coastlines are highly populated areas. Upwards of 25 million Americans are at risk for coastal flooding, and an even greater share of Americans could be adversely affected by climate change if...
Three Life-Saving Medical Breakthroughs That Sound Like Science Fiction Kevin Gardner Science & Medicine Today is an exciting time for medical science. Due to breakthroughs in technology and medicine, new doors are opening in terms of potentially life-saving treatments. From the tricorder to the development of...
New Technologies and the Changes They are Forcing in Business Kevin Gardner Politics & Economics Technology is changing the way business gets done. Computers are becoming faster and more affordable, improving the way the world works. The most important skill now may be to simply keep up with it all. If...
A Short History of the Vaporizer Kevin Gardner Science & Medicine Cannabis is a herb that has been used in the world over for centuries. Humanity shares a love for the herb, be it for its recreational, medicinal or health purposes. In places like Jamaica, it is highly...