For some people, the constant improvements in the sophistication of technology are viewed in a negative light. Many people in the mid to later stages of life see a new generation that is transfixed by smartphones and spends hours each day consuming content on social media channels that seems to be insignificant or even pointless to their eyes. The older generation may reminisce about their youth when free time was spent outdoors playing instead of being glued to screens. These are undeniably valid points that should be considered by all generations; however, it is important to also think about the positive impacts that technology has had on modern life. There are many examples of how the latest technology is helping people to enjoy life more, reduce their reliance on nasty fossil fuel energy sources and even help medical science to progress. In this article, three specific ways in which advanced technology is helping to improve modern life will be briefly explored.

On-demand entertainment

Millions of people have extremely busy working lives that involve rushing from task to task and keeping their email inboxes under control whilst they prioritize and adapt their daily working schedules. When the working day has finished, many people want to relax and enjoy a favorite film, play an absorbing video game or simply stream their favorite music. The exponential growth of the internet and the increase in the availability of fast, reliable internet access has allowed on-demand entertainment to provide high-quality content for most of the developed world’s population. Films can be enjoyed without needing to be ready at a predetermined time, and there are millions of songs and games that can be played for pleasure and relaxation. The continued rollout of fiber internet access has made this a reality. For instance, if you live in the state of California, you can search online for fiber optic internet in National City, CA and instantly find suppliers who will give you high-speed internet access that allows the seamless streaming of even 4K video content.

Donating CPU power to science

In America, it is estimated that 89.3% of all homes have at least one computer in them. This may be as part of a home office setup or simply for playing games or consuming online content. However, it is worth noting that the power of your computer’s CPU can be used to help scientific advances. Donating CPU time to science is growing in popularity and there are a wide range of extremely worthy causes that your computer’s idle time can assist with. Click here to find out more on how you can donate your CPU time to help to speed up scientific research and these can range from fighting cancer to reducing the impact of climate change.

Energy-efficient products

In 2023, millions of people are starting to understand the implications of climate change and the need for humankind to reduce its reliance on unsustainable sources of energy. Thankfully, there are several items of home technology that are extremely energy efficient and can reduce the demand on the national grid. Energy-efficient LED lightbulbs are a quick and easy way to reduce power consumption and they typically have a lifespan that is ten times greater than traditional filament bulbs. In addition, upgrading an older boiler to an “A” rated new model can dramatically reduce energy consumption and the cost of energy for a typical household.

Image credit: SCREEN POST via Unsplash


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