Examining Ebola Fears & Viral Mutations Joseph Timpona Medicine, Science, Science & Medicine Ebola hysteria dominated popular news in 2014. However, since the outbreak began to draw attention in March earlier this year, only two people have been infected in the United States. Did this really warrant non-stop media coverage? Much of this attention may have been attributed in part to the worry that Ebola may “mutate to become airborne,” but is this even something we need to worry about?
When Cancer Isn’t Just a Word: Translating Medicine’s Native Language Laura Christianson Medicine, Science, Science & Medicine, Society & Culture Doctors may not be poets—nor do they need to be—but their use of language is critical in assuring effective patient care.
The Placebo Effect: The Science of Placebos Anna Redmond Medicine, Psychology, Science, Science & Medicine As Allied troops stormed the beaches of Italy, a nurse and an anesthesiologist anxiously watched a wounded soldier. He was in severe pain and on the verge of shock, but their supply of morphine had run...