Six Things You Don’t Know About the War on Drugs Anna Redmond Government We compiled some surprising statistics about America's longstanding War on Drugs — facts that may change your opinion on the continuing debate over legalization. 1. Over the last thirty years, our prison...
Why Oxycontin is a Drug Epidemic and What You Probably Don’t Know About It Ward Collins Government, Medicine, Science & Medicine, Society & Culture The term “war on drugs” conjures images of Reagan Era public service videos: the shady dealer dispensing trafficked narcotics on an inner-city street corner. But the reality has shifted dramatically....
Fueling a New Energy Revolution: Natural Gas? Sarah Tory Economics, Politics & Economics, Science, Science & Medicine “Radon in my apartment?” No thanks, say the makers of a video opposing a proposed natural gas pipeline slated to travel directly beneath New York City’s West Village neighborhood. The push against a...
Gun Control: A Shot in the Dark? America’s Complicated Gun Debate Kara Waite Government, History Statistics of gun violence coldly quantify a reality of American society: 467,321 Americans were victims of a crime committed with a firearm in 2011, according to the National Crime Victimization Survey. In...
Philanthropy: Selfless or Tax-Incentivized? Hui Wen Chan Government, Psychology It’s unlikely you are feeling charitable today, especially since taxes are due soon. 2013 marks the 100th anniversary of the federal income tax—and with it, the complex and contentious relationship between...
Predictive Policing: Technology and the Police State Anna Redmond Psychology, Science, Science & Medicine At first blush, it seems like a scene out of an 80’s era sci-fi film. The police chief plugs into the network. Pressing a few keys, he scans a screen full of data and radios a squad car: “Proceed to...
Black History Month: From Negro History Week to Post-Racialism? Natashia Deon and Athena Lark History, Society & Culture In a recent video post on, social commentator/comedian, Louis CK (who is white) was interviewed by Jay Leno on The Tonight Show. Louis CK joked, “Every year, white people add a hundred years...