All eyes are on Brazil. The Olympics are around the corner and we will watch athletes from 207 countries come together to compete. However, the Olympic Games will not be the only event on everyone’s...
Researchers built and tested a new Zika diagnostic test in about six weeks. The simple and inexpensive test uses RNA sensors embedded in discs of paper that turn from yellow to purple in the presence of the...
Can shame be good for you? We often think of shame as a shackling emotion which thwarts our individuality and creativity. A sense of shame could prevent us from choosing a partner we truly love, speaking out...
Science engagement is a funny thing. Not “haha” funny, more “hmm, it’s eaten through the floor…” funny. On the one hand, science is often looked upon as being very much people in lab coats walled...
With the United States assuming chairmanship of the Arctic Council for the 2015-2017 term, Shell Oil temporarily halting its Arctic drilling expeditions, and the upcoming 2015 United Nations Climate Change...
How did the best engineers come up with their ideas? What can we learn from the engineer who built the world’s tallest building or the first highway engineer? These are the questions biomedical engineer Guru...