So You Have Been Publicly Shamed by Jon Ronson
This book is an exploration into the phenomenon of online public shaming. The author draws a reader in through a personal story of someone attempting to manipulate his online identity, and then moves into various cases of Internet shaming, ranging from those involving famous writers to previously unknown persons randomly caught by the twitter mob wave. The book delves deep into the foundations of shame: why do some feel it, while others don’t? What does it tell about us that we so eagerly get swept into shaming campaigns without much thinking about its repercussions? A must read for anyone interested in the impact of the Internet on our society. You will discover that the Internet is a more scary force than any of us have anticipated, but we can also work towards a more conscious engagement with it.
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
This one is a classic for anyone interested in the ideas of utopia and the dangers of too much order. It is especially relevant today with the rise of Silicon Valley utopia phenomenon and technological determinism.
Moscow in Movement by Samuel A. Greene
One of the best books on state-society relations in contemporary Russia that draws on fieldwork, interviews and long-term observations as a scholar, a think tank director and a long-time resident and observer of Russia. If you want to learn why and how Russians protest and what may be the future for popular resistance to authoritarian rule there, get a copy.
Environmental Litigation in China by Rachel E. Stern
If you are interested in one of the most contentious spheres of Chinese contemporary politics, this book is a must read. Environmental litigation has become an area of particular tension, but also active engagement between Chinese state and its citizens. Its sensitive enough to be important, but not too sensitive to be outlawed. Read primary accounts of how different actors engage in environmental litigation, from court officials to lawyers and common citizens.