Involve Yourself in the Fight Against Climate Change Svein Tveitdal Science, Science & Medicine You asked; Climate Change expert Svein Tveitdal answered. Want to ask an expert anything? Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for news about upcoming Ask Me Anything guests. Or subscribe to our newsletter to be...
A World Above Our Heads Samuel Hargrove Science, Science & Medicine Canopy Ecosystems of the World are Disappearing
Telepathy, Possibly? Stephanie Nelli Philosophy, Psychology, Science Imagine a world where our thoughts could be instantly transmitted to machines, computers, and other people's brains.
We are Not as Alone as We Think Dr. Dennis Kasper and Katherine Wu Medicine, Science, Science & Medicine We are not as alone as we think—microbially speaking. In the past few years, scientists have made enormous strides in the field of microbiome research. In our body, bacterial genes outnumber human genes by...
What Is the Most Prevalent Infectious Disease? Vivian Chou Medicine, Science, Science & Medicine What are some of the infectious diseases that may warrant attention?
I Quit Grad School and It’s Ok Wudan Yan Education, Science, Science & Medicine Should I continue to do what I’ve been told I’m good at, even if it’s not something that makes me happy?
Has the Anthropocene Era Begun? Ask Former UN Environmental Director Svein Tveitdal Any of Your Questions on Climate Change Hippo Reads Staff Science, Science & Medicine Today, the media is dominated by reports documenting the rising sea levels, increasing global carbon emissions, and our entrance into the “Anthropocene” era: a new geological epoch created by human...