Unfading Love: How to Keep the Spark Alive in Your Relationship Hippo Reads Staff Uncategorized Broken relationships are hardly mendable. Professionals have encountered several situations during Imago therapy sessions, a powerful couple therapy to resolve relationship conflicts, where there was not even...
The Art of Knife Forging: How High-End Chef’s Knives Are Made Hippo Reads Staff Ask Me Anything, Uncategorized In the context of the culinary profession, the sharpness of the knife is simply standard. Professional knives are not just tools, they are works of art sculptured into functional weaponry in the culinary...
New perspectives on science communication Faisal Hossain Uncategorized By Faisal Hossain and Claire Beveridge – University of Washington, WA; Colleen M. Iversen – Oak Ridge National Labs, TN; Patricia Silveyra – University of North Carolina, NC; Ali Nouri, Federation of...
‘The Good Place’: Good Show, Bad Ethics Glenn McLaren Society & Culture, Uncategorized My daughter and I have been watching a US TV series over the summer called ‘The Good Place’. We enjoy it and find it one of the funniest and cleverest comedies we have seen for some time. What makes it...
From Big Things Little Things Grow Glenn McLaren Uncategorized This article is for those who, like me, despair over the performance of our global leaders who seem intent on accelerating us towards self-destruction. I hope to give some guidance as to how we can judge them...
10 Reasons Conservatives Should Vote Against Trump and the Republicans Who Support Him in 2018 and 2020 Bryan Van Norden Politics, Uncategorized 1. Trump and the Republicans in office who support him are fiscally irresponsible. After just a couple of years of Republican control of the White House, Senate, and House of Representatives, the US deficit...
Jordan Peterson, Destroyed Glenn McLaren Education, Philosophy, Politics & Economics, Uncategorized Early in 2018 I was searching YouTube for Stephen Colbert’s latest monologue on the Trump administration and I discovered a lecture on problems with postmodernism and neo-Marxism in universities. Having...