My Life Confronting Sexism in Academia Anne Fausto-Sterling Science, Science & Medicine, Society & Culture In national politics these days it sometimes seems as if we re-litigate battles won decades ago, and at times I wonder whether those 20 or 30 years younger than I even know what happened back in the day. So here are some snippets. Although specific to my time at Brown University, similar things happened in the same time frame at institutions of higher education all over the country. So, dear reader, yes, DO generalize.
The Best “Smart” Beach Reads of 2014: Edition #3 Kaitlin Solimine Uncategorized How to know what pages this summer make the sunscreen-slathered cut and which will stay on bookshelves? Hippo Reads is here to make recommendations for the smartest, and most engaging, summer reads in science, social science, and religion.
Six Reasons Why Humanity Is Doomed When The Robots Revolt Benjamin Smolen and Nikolai von Keller Uncategorized The inaugural launch of HippoCrite, our humor page — a humorous slant on smart topics. Here we explore the impending robot revolution.