The importance of using relevant materials when studying for your nursing degree hipporeads Education, Science & Medicine Studying for a nursing degree can be challenging, but if you apply yourself, then the hard work will pay off and allow you to practice in a rewarding career. You can make studying more effective by ensuring...
Insights on How to Hire the Best NAPLEX Tutors hipporeads Education NAPLEX (North America Pharmacist Licensure Examination) is an entry test for pharmacy students designed to test their competency in dispensing medicine safely and accurately, managing drug therapy, providing...
Green Jobs Could Help To Power The Levelling Up Agenda Adi Gaskell Economics, Education, Government, Politics & Economics The Levelling Up White Paper makes explicit reference to the Net Zero agenda, stating that the transition "could have large and long-lasting effects on virtually every aspect of the economy, including jobs and...
Is the Era of In-Class Education Coming to an End? Cristian Gallegos Education, Politics & Economics It's the 21st century and life as we currently know it is drastically different when compared to the last few decades. Cell phones have been introduced as a necessity in everyday life, the global population is...
Jordan Peterson, Destroyed Glenn McLaren Education, Philosophy, Politics & Economics, Uncategorized Early in 2018 I was searching YouTube for Stephen Colbert’s latest monologue on the Trump administration and I discovered a lecture on problems with postmodernism and neo-Marxism in universities. Having...
Prison Cells and Pretty Walls: Gender Coding and American Schools Jennifer Borgioli Binis, Nursing Clio Education, Gender Studies, History, Society & Culture A few months ago, I was scrolling through Twitter and saw a conversation about redesigning classroom spaces and a phrase caught my attention: “redesign is NOT about being pretty for Pinterest.” As someone...
Parents feel weird about sex ed for LGBTQ teens Marla Paul, Futurity Education, Gender Studies, Medicine, Science & Medicine, Society & Culture The parents of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer teens feel uncomfortable and unequipped when trying to educate them about sex and dating, research finds. “Parents play an important role...