Are We Mature Enough to Deal with Climate Change? Glenn McLaren Philosophy, Science & Medicine One does not transcend nature; one transcends the abstractions which alienate us from it.
Saving Sophia: Why Philosophy Needs A Revolution John Altmann Academia, Arts & Culture, Philosophy If the humanities fall, will philosophy fail?
What Would the Ancient Astrologers Have Told Us About 2017? Karl Kinsella Arts & Culture, History, Philosophy, Religion Apparently 2017 will be my year – indeed, it is a good year for everyone born between November 22 and December 21 under the sign of Sagittarius – half man, half horse, all myth. Modern astrology as we...
The Tower of Babel & The Trump Age John Altmann Philosophy, Politics & Economics The Tower of Babel is a story from the book of Genesis that sees the world at a time when it possessed solely one language and one common speech. The people congregated to Shinar and it was there that the...
from Moral Responsibility: An Introduction Matthew Talbert Arts & Culture, Philosophy From Moral Responsibility: An Introduction by Matthew Talbert, published by Polity Press in 2016. Reproduced by permission. This excerpt is from Chapter One (“Responsibility, Moral Responsibility, and Free...
We Have Not Been Thinking Critically Enough About the Proposition We Are Being Simulated Bruce K. Adler Philosophy, Science & Medicine I am a human being: Do not fold, spindle or mutilate. -- Anonymous uman kind Cannot bear very much reality. Time past and time future What might have been and what has been Point to one end,...
Has Philosophy Lost Its Way? Massimo Pigliucci Arts & Culture, Philosophy One of the characteristics of philosophy as a field of inquiry is that — unique among human endeavors — it also inquiries upon itself. This was true since the times of Socrates and Epictetus, of course....